Make OfferRegistration
N700SGSerial Number
7,334.4 hours since new
3,319 landings since new
Two (2) Rolls-Royce TAY 611-8 engines
Engine #1: 9,716.9 hours since new / 4,060 cycles since new / 283 hours since Mid-Life
Engine #2: 9,979.1 hours since new / 4,183 cycles since new / 555 hours since Mid-Life
Engine Mid-Life Inspection completed July 2022
Additional Options
FMS 6.1 (WAAS / LPV)
Heads Up Display (HUD) and Enhanced Vision System (EVS)
FAR 135 ready
Interior Refurbishment in 2022 by Gulfstream Brunswick
APU enrolled on Honeywell MSP Gold

The aircraft is configured with a recently refurbished thirteen (13) passenger interior. When configured for overnight flights the cabin can comfortably sleep up to six (6) passengers. The forward cabin includes a four (4) place club configuration with fold out tables. The mid cabin of the aircraft has a three (3) place certified belted divan opposite two (2) club seats. The aft section the aircraft includes a four (4) place conference group opposite a credenza. Aft Galley. New Softgoods in 2022.
Honeywell SPZ-8400 AFCS Flight Display
Collins Pro Line 4 w/ RTU-4220
Triple Collins VHF-422D Comms
Dual Honeywell TDR-94D Transponders w/ADS-B V2
Dual Collins VIR 432
Dual Collins ADF 462
Heads Up Display (HUD)
Enhanced Vision System (EVS)
Flight Data Recorder (FDR) L3 w/ mQAR
Allied Signal VHF/SAT AFIS
Dual Honeywell AZ-810 ADC’s
Honeywell MCS 7120
Dual Honeywell RT-300 Radio Alts
Triple Honeywell Laserefs
Honeywell Primus 880 Radar
Honeywell NEW Inertial Reference Units (IRU’s)
Dual Collins HF-9000 HF Radios
Honeywell TCAS 2000 w/change 7.1
Honeywell Mk V EGPWS w/ RAAS
Dual Honeywell NZ-2010 FMS 6.1 w/ Dual GPS w/ WASS/LPV
Dual Honeywell CDU-810

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